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Martin Luther

Author: Ann Jurewicz

Objectives and Summary


Content: Understand who Martin Luther was and what he represented in his ideas

Skills: Listen to information and apply it to questions

Summary:  THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION—The Catholic monk and university professor, Martin Luther, broke with the Catholic Church over doctrinal issues and the Church's financial corruption.  The word Protestant was coined by Emperor Charles V as a derogatory word used to label princes and kings who “protested” Charles V’s decree in 1530 to force all lands in his Holy Roman Empire to remain Catholic.

Martin Luther questioned the authority of the pope and criticized the sale of indulgences in his 95 Theses. (Remember--"theses" is the plural of "thesis", an argument, like in your essay paper!)

Task: As you watch the video about Luther's beliefs, answer the following 5 questions:

1. What are indulgences sold by John Tetzel and why does Luther condemn them?



2. What is "justification by faith alone", or sola fide?



3. What does Luther mean by "priesthood of all believers"?



4. What 2 sacraments does Luther believe in and why?



5. What doesn't Martin Luther support social equality for the peasants?—



Interview of Martin Luther