
Cell Division

Mastery of Cell Division is necessary before moving into more advanced levels in the field of Biology. In order to heal from a cut or to grow from a baby into an adult, the cells of the human body divide into new cells. Learn the life cycle of cell division in our topics General Mitosis Overview and Meiosis Overview. Delve into more specific areas in our topics that cover each stage: Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. From granular details to big picture, Cell Division provides strong proficiency in one of the most foundational concepts in Biology.

Pathways that Teach Cell Division

Pathways are a sequence of tutorials that help you learn a whole subject area, one concept at a time. Choose from multiple teachers and teaching styles.
Cell Division Pathway
Concepts: 7
Quiz Points: 105
NGSS Standard HS-LS1-4
Concepts: 2
Quiz Points: 15