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#1 - A bunch of punctuation marks: Semicolons vs. Colons

Author: Janice Davis

Semicolons vs. Colons

Click Here to download and print today's homework:  Semicolons vs. Colons.


Make sure you watch ALL THREE (3) videos today; they will give you an overview of both punctuation marks.  There are three (3) videos to watch:  Grammar Vids for Kids, Semicolons Grammar Style, and Colons.

Grammar Vids for Kids: How to Use Semicolons

Have you ever met Einstein? You're about to do so in this video! Try and keep up; he's a brilliant man.

Semicolons Grammar Style (Wait til you hear this one!)

Remember the song "Gangnam Style"? If you do, you'll love this video! ;)

Colons: How do you use them?

Watch carefully. This will give you the three basic colon rules.