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10/15/14 Scratch Part 2

Author: Tammy Miller-Dwake

SJ Page 82

SCRATCH Tutorial 2

We're going to begin developing coding skills using a variety of different programming languages beginning with SCRATCH.

SCRATCH is a free programming language created by the MIT Media Lab.

In this tutorial you will:

  • Login to your SCRATCH account
  • complete a series of online tutorials and experimental extensions to become familiar with SCRATCH basics - these tutorials will be entered in your lab notebook as a "virtual lab"
  • submit a WSQ form with a completed animation


Access the "Learn Scratch" website and select Video Courses Scratch 2 (5-8 lessons).


Lesson 5 - Speaking and Thinking

Tutorials 1

Lesson 6 - Creating Image Effects

Tutorials 1 

Lesson 7 - Sounds, Voices and Music

Tutorials 1

Lesson 8 - Creating Animations

Tutorial 1

Record important procedures and key processes in your notebook (as a virtual lab entry) in enough detail that you could repeat your actions without watching the video tutorials. . . . you will use these entries as a reference guide in the future when working with SCRATCH.


Each Lesson Tutorial has one or more "Extension" activities relating to it (these are listed on the bottom of each Lesson page).

  1. Create a  SCRATCH animation that uses what you learned from all 8 tutorials. 
  2. Identify one example from the tutorials where you used:  Clarity and Efficiency
  3. Submit your animation by embedding your animation in the WSQ form.

WSQ 10/15/14