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12-5 Circles: Interior & Exterior Angles (DUE Mon. 4/7)

Author: Jennifer Almeida

1. Watch the Lesson Video and take detailed notes in your Math Notebook:

Additional Resources:

Shmoop (Learning Guide): Circles

Shmoop (Video): Secant Angles

Online Textbook (Video #1 & 2): Angle Measures Associated with Circles

Regents Prep (Lesson): Formulas for Angles in a Circle

Regents Prep (Practice): Practice with Angles in Circles

Regents Prep (Lesson): Numerical Work with BIG Circles

Regents Prep (Practice): Numerical Practice with BIG Circles

Online Practice Quiz: Other Angle Relationships in Circles 

2. Complete and submit the WSQ Form:

Assignment 12-5:
