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3 Writing/Speaking Techniques--Repetition, Imagery, and Parallelism

Author: Nathan Mattson

Rhetorical Techniques

As most good writers do, Martin Luther King uses some rhetorical devices in his "I Have a Dream" speech to make it moving and memorable.  There are three terms to learn in this tutorial: repetition, imagery, and parallelism.  Take notes and be ready to share and discuss.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" Speech

Here is King's famous speech. Most people have heard parts of this speech. Read through the entire thing.


Video of MLK's Speech

Source: King, Martin Luther. "Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream Speech - August 28, 1963." *YouTube.* YouTube, 20 Jan. 2011. Web. 11 Aug. 2013.


Repetition is the repeating of words or phrases.  Repetition is easy to identify.  Look in King's speech for three examples.

Write them in your notes. 


Parallelism from Shaun Macleod at

Source: Macleod, Shaun. "Parallel Structure or Parallelism." *YouTube.* YouTube, 15 Nov. 2012. Web. 09 Aug. 2013.



Another Explanation of Parallelism

Concrete or Sensory Imagery
