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5 Principles of Instructional Design

Author: Kathleen Johnson

Source: Digital Access Key Image; Morgue File;

Video Transcript

Notes on "5 Principles of Instructional Design"

(00:00-00:20) Intro

(00:21-00:33) Objectives

(00:34-02:25) Merrill's First Principle

(02:26-03:07) Merrill's Second Principle

(03:08-03:56) Merrill's Third Principle

(03:57-04:45) Merrill's Fourth Principle

(04:46-06:40) Merrill's Fifth Principle

(06:41-07:30) Review & Reflection

Additional Resources

Learn NC: Zone of proximal development

This is a University of North Carolina web page devoted to the zone of proximal development. This webpage is a useful resources for developing lessons and instruction within the ZPD.

Innovative Learning: Zone of Proximal Development

This page includes a useful infographic and an explanation of the ZPD. It is a helpful planning resource.