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5.1 Writing Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Form

Author: Christine L

Slope-Intercept Form:  y=mx+b

b= y-intercept

m= slope

To find the slope when two points are given use:


The slope in the case is 3/2 or 1.5.

Then you would use on of the points given and plug it into the equation. (3,4)




Your final answer would be:


Y=MX+B Song

In this video there are people singing a song to YMCA but are explaining Y=MX+B. It is a fun way to remember slope-intercept form.

Source: Youtube

5.1 Writing Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Form

In this slide show it shows you how to write linear equations in slope-intercept form and gives you some problems to try yourself.