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(9/24) Interactive Angle Explorations

Author: Jennifer Almeida

Use the applets below to explore the angle relationships we've been studying in Unit 2.

As a group, answer the questions in the Google Doc and SUBMIT.

1. Parallel Lines cut by a Transversal

Move point A to explore the angles formed when parallel lines are cut by a transversal.

2. Triangle Angle Sum Exploration (Part I)

Move the vertices of the triangle to explore the Triangle Angle Sum Theorem. **You can right click and ZOOM to make the triangle smaller and easier to work with.**

3. Triangle Angle Sum (Part II)

Move the vertices of the triangle to explore the Triangle Angle Sum Theorem. Notice what is happens when you look at the three angles adjacently! **You may right click and ZOOM to make the triangle smaller and easier to work with.**

4. Questions and Conjectures: