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A Nontraditional Approach to Grading

Author: Trisha Fyfe

Source: Image of light bulb, Public Domain,; Image of grading, public Domain,

Video Transcript

Notes on “A Nontraditional Approach to Grading”


(00:00- 00:22) Introduction/Objectives

(00:23- 01:24) Who is Thomas Guskey?

(01:25- 01:44) Product, Process and Progress Grading   

(01:45- 02:27) Zeros Vs. Incompletes

(02:28- 03:12) Recap

(03:13- 04:02) Reflection  

Additional Resources

Standards-Based Grading Implementation

This blog post includes resources and strategies for implementing standards based grading. The first three links provide useful strategies for creating topic scales, creating assessments, and tracking progress.