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Absolute Value Inequalities

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn how to solve an absolute value inequality. Specifically, this lesson will cover:

Table of Contents

1. "Less Than" Absolute Value Inequalities

When an inequality has an absolute value we will have to remove the absolute value in order to graph the solution or give interval notation. The way we remove the absolute value depends on the direction of the inequality symbol. Recall that absolute value is defined as the distance from zero.


Consider vertical line x vertical line less than 2.

Another way to read this inequality would be the distance from zero is less than 2. So on a number line, we will shade all points that are less than 2 units away from zero.

This graph looks just like the graphs of the three-part compound inequalities! When the absolute value is less than a number we will remove the absolute value by changing the problem to a three-part inequality, with the negative value on the left and the positive value on the right. So in the example above, vertical line x vertical line less than 2 becomes negative 2 less than x less than 2, as the graph above illustrates, and can be expressed with the following formula:

formula to know
Absolute Value Inequalities - Less Than
open vertical bar a x plus b close vertical bar less than c rightwards double arrow short dash c less than a x plus b less than c

big idea
If the absolute value inequality is "less than" or "less than or equal to", we can rewrite the inequality:
  • Original inequality: open vertical bar x close vertical bar less than a
  • Rewrite as: short dash a less than x less than a
The inequality negative a less than x less than a is a type of "AND" compound inequality.

2. "Greater Than" Absolute Value Inequalities

Let's look at a case when the absolute value inequality is "greater than".


Consider vertical line x vertical line greater than 2.

Absolute value is defined as the distance from zero. Another way to read this inequality would be the distance from zero is greater than 2. So on the number line, we shade all points that are more than 2 units away from zero.

This graph looks just like the graphs of the OR compound inequalities! When the absolute value is greater than a number we will remove the absolute value by changing the problem to an OR inequality, the first inequality looking just like the problem with no absolute value, the second flipping the inequality symbol and changing the value to a negative. So vertical line x vertical line greater than 2 becomes x greater than 2 or x less than negative 2, as the graph above illustrates, and can be expressed with the following formula:

formula to know
Absolute Value Inequalities - Greater Than
open vertical bar a x plus b close vertical bar greater than c rightwards double arrow a x plus b less than short dash c space space OR space space a x plus b greater than c space

big idea
If the absolute value inequality is "greater than" or "greater than or equal to", we can rewrite the inequality:
  • Original inequality: open vertical bar x close vertical bar greater than a
  • Rewrite as: x greater than a space space OR space space x less than short dash a
This inequality x greater than a space OR space x less than negative a is a type of "OR" compound inequality.

try it
Rewrite each absolute inequality into inequalities you can solve.

Absolute Inequality Rewrite as....
open vertical bar 3 x plus 4 close vertical bar greater than 8 3 x plus 4 greater than 8 space space OR space space 3 x plus 4 less than short dash 8
open vertical bar 12 x minus 8 close vertical bar less or equal than 9 short dash 9 less or equal than 12 x minus 8 less or equal than 9
open vertical bar 10 minus 5 x close vertical bar less than 2 short dash 2 less than 10 minus 5 x less than 2
open vertical bar 21 plus x close vertical bar greater than 35 21 plus x greater than 35 space space O R space space 21 plus x less than short dash 35

3. Solving Absolute Value Inequalities

We can solve absolute value inequalities much like we solved absolute value equations by following these steps.

step by step
  1. Make sure the absolute value is isolated on one side.
  2. Remove the absolute value by either making a three-part inequality if the absolute value is less than a number, or making an OR inequality if the absolute value is greater than a number.
  3. Solve the inequality.

Remember, if we multiply or divide by a negative the inequality symbol will switch directions!


Solve the inequality open vertical bar 4 x minus 5 close vertical bar greater or equal than 6, graph the solution, and give interval notation of the solution.

open vertical bar 4 x minus 5 close vertical bar greater or equal than 6 Absolute value is greater than, use OR
table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell 4 x minus 5 greater or equal than 6 space space OR space space 4 x minus 5 less or equal than short dash 6 end cell row cell stack space space space space plus 5 with bar below space space stack plus 5 with bar below space space space space space space space space space stack space space space space space plus 5 space with bar below space space space stack space plus 5 with bar below end cell end table Solve by adding 5 to both sides in both inequalities
table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell stack 4 x with bar below greater or equal than stack 11 space with bar below space OR space space stack 4 x with bar below less or equal than stack short dash 1 with bar below end cell row cell space 4 space space space space space space space 4 space space space space space space space space space space space space 4 space space space space space space space space 4 end cell end table Divide both sides by 4 in both inequalities
x greater or equal than 11 over 4 space OR thin space x less or equal than short dash 1 fourth Our Solution

Graph both inequalities.

Interval notation: open parentheses short dash infinity comma short dash 1 fourth text ] end text union left square bracket 11 over 4 comma infinity close parentheses

For all absolute value inequalities, we can also express our answers in interval notation which is done the same way it is done for standard compound inequalities.


Solve the inequality short dash 4 minus 3 open vertical bar x close vertical bar less than short dash 10, graph the solution, and give interval notation of the solution.

short dash 4 minus 3 open vertical bar x close vertical bar less than short dash 10
stack plus 4 space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space plus 4 with bar below
First add 4 to both sides to isolate the absolute value
short dash 3 open vertical bar x close vertical bar less than short dash 6
stack short dash 3 with bar on top space space space space space space space space space space stack short dash 3 with bar on top
Divide both sides by short dash 3. Dividing by a negative switches the symbol!
open vertical bar x close vertical bar greater than 2 Absolute value is greater than, use OR;
x greater than 2 space space OR space space x less than short dash 2 Our Solution

Graph both inequalities.

Interval notation: open parentheses short dash infinity comma short dash 2 close parentheses union open parentheses 2 comma infinity close parentheses

In the previous example, we cannot combine -4 and -3 because they are not like terms, the -3 has an absolute value attached. So we must first clear the -4 by adding 4, then divide by -3. The next example is similar.


Solve the inequality 9 minus 2 open vertical bar 4 x plus 1 close vertical bar greater than 3, graph the solution, and give interval notation of the solution.

9 minus 2 open vertical bar 4 x plus 1 close vertical bar greater than 3
stack short dash 9 space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space short dash 9 with bar below
Subtract 9 from both sides
short dash 2 open vertical bar 4 x plus 1 close vertical bar greater than short dash 6
stack space space space space space short dash 2 space space space space space with bar on top space space space space stack short dash 2 space with bar on top
Divide both sides by short dash 2. Dividing by negative switches the symbol!
open vertical bar 4 x plus 1 close vertical bar less than 3 Absolute value is less than, use three part inequality
short dash 3 less than 4 x plus 1 less than 3
stack negative 1 space space space space space minus 1 space space space minus 1 with bar below
Subtract 1 from all three parts
short dash 4 less than 4 x less than 2
stack space 4 space with bar on top space space space stack space 4 space with bar on top space space space stack space 4 space with bar on top
Divide all three parts by 4
short dash 1 less than x less than 1 half Our solution

Graph both inequalities.

Interval notation: open parentheses short dash 1 comma 1 half close parentheses

In the previous example, we cannot distribute the -2 into the absolute value. We can never distribute or combine things outside the absolute value with what is inside the absolute value. Our only way to solve is to first isolate the absolute value by clearing the values around it, then either make a compound inequality (either a three-part inequality or an OR inequality) to solve.

4. No Solutions or All Real Solutions

It is important to remember as we are solving these equations, the absolute value is always positive. There are cases where there is no solution to the inequality or all real numbers are the solution:

  • No Solutions: If we end up with an absolute value is less than a negative number, then we will have no solution because absolute value will always be positive, greater than a negative.
  • All Real Solutions: If the absolute value is greater than a negative, this will always happen. Here the answer will be all real numbers.


Solve the inequality 12 plus 4 open vertical bar 6 x minus 1 close vertical bar less than 4, graph the solution, and give interval notation of the solution.

12 plus 4 open vertical bar 6 x minus 1 close vertical bar less than 4
stack negative 12 space space space space space space space space space space space space minus 12 with bar below
Subtract 12 from both sides
4 open vertical bar 6 x minus 1 close vertical bar less than short dash 8
stack space space space 4 space space space with bar on top space space space space space space space space space stack space 4 space with bar on top
Divide both sides by 4
open vertical bar 6 x minus 1 close vertical bar less than short dash 2 Absolute value can't be less than a negative, NO SOLUTION

Graph showing no solution.

Interval notation: No Solution or empty set


Solve the inequality 5 minus 6 open vertical bar x plus 7 close vertical bar less or equal than 17, graph the solution, and give interval notation of the solution.

5 minus 6 open vertical bar x plus 7 close vertical bar less or equal than 17
stack negative 5 space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space minus 5 with bar below
Subtract 5 from both sides
short dash 6 open vertical bar x plus 7 close vertical bar less or equal than 12
stack space short dash 6 space space space with bar on top space space space space stack short dash 6 with bar on top
Divide both sides by short dash 6. Dividing by a negative flips the symbol!
open vertical bar x plus 7 close vertical bar greater or equal than short dash 2 Absolute value is always greater than negative, ALL REAL NUMBERS

Graph showing all real numbers as solution.

Interval notation: All Real Numbers or straight real numbers

"Less than" absolute value inequalities can be rewritten as "AND" compound inequalities, where our expression and our absolute value sign is bound between the negative and positive values of this quantity. "Greater than" absolute value inequalities can be written as "OR" compound inequalities, where your expression inside your absolute value sign is going to be less than the negative of this quantity, or it's going to be greater than the positive value of this quantity. When solving absolute value inequalities, remember to first isolate the absolute value, then remove the absolute value by either making a three-part inequality if the absolute value is less than a number, or making an OR inequality if the absolute value is greater than a number. There are also some instances where there is no solutions or all real solutions.


Formulas to Know
Absolute Value Inequalities - Greater Than

open vertical bar a x plus b close vertical bar greater than c rightwards double arrow a x plus b greater than c space space O R space space a x plus b less than short dash c

Absolute Value Inequalities - Less Than

open vertical bar a x plus b close vertical bar less than c rightwards double arrow short dash c less than a x plus b less than c