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Acids and Bases

Author: Martha Velasco

Properties of Acids and Bases

Acids and Bases have different properties when it comes to taste, color and reactions with metals. You should never taste, touch or smell an unknown substance because strong acids and bases can be corrosive and harmful to skin and clothing. The pH scale is used to indicate whether a solution is basic or acidic based on the color change when an indicator is added. The following videos can help you bette understand the properties of acids and bases as well as the different range in colors when using indicators.

Big Question: Look at all three videos and figure out if there are any aids and bases you use on an everyday basis, as well as why it is important to have balance between acids and bases.**

**Please post your answer as a thread on our classroom blog and have watching the videos!

Properties of Acids and Bases

The pH scale colors of acids and bases

More info on acids and bases