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Adding Integers using Algebra Tiles

Author: Laura Martin

Using Visual Manipulatives to Model Integer Operations

Using Visual Manipulatives to Model Integer Operations

In this recording, I will demonstrate how to use the model described in the previous recording using black and red chips instead of Algebra tiles.
After watching the screen recorded demonstration, follow this link :
to the NVLM website and scroll down to "Color Chips Addition" and play with the virtual manipulative yourself.

Practice the Chip Method of Integer Addition at NVLM website

Go to the NVLM website and scroll down through the virtual manipulatives until you see Color Chip Addition. Click and practice using the model to solve problems.

Adding Integers............... 2 Simple Rules! I Saw the Sign!

Adding Integers ……2 simple rules

Same signs:
    - add the absolute value             example:  -2 + (-5) = -7
    - keep the common sign                              10 + 11 = 21

Different signs:                                  example:  -6 + 2 = -4
    -  subtract the absolute values      (  6 - 2 = 4  and it is -4 because    
    -  keep the sign of the number
          -6 has a higher absolute value)




Source: Laura Martin

Quizlet Flashcards for Adding Integers

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect!

Please feel free to practice the quizlet flashcards above. Study the 2 simple rules and you are ready to take the 5 question quiz!