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Addition and Subtraction of Rational Expressions

Author: Rachel Kaplan

Adding an Expression Over One

Step 1: Multiply the second expression (that is over one) by the denominator of the first expression. You must multiply both the top and bottom by the denominator of the first expression.

Step 2:  Distribute as necessary.

Step 3: Combine like terms and add across. Keep the denominator (both of which are the same) constant.

Adding an Expression Over One Example

A step by step example of how to add terms when the second expression is over one.

Multiplying Two Rational Expressions

Step 1: Find your LCD, including all terms from the bottom of both expressions

Step 2: Manipulate both expressions to make the bottom equal the LCD

Step 3: Distribute as necessary

Step 4: Add by combining like terms

Adding Two Rational Expressions Example One

Step-by-step example of how to add two rational expressions, when the second term is not over one.

Adding Two Rational Expressions Example Two

Another example, not unlike the one above.