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Addition Strategies in 3rd grade

Author: Anne Flynn

Basic Addition Strategies in 3rd Grade

There are three basic strategies for adding numbers together.  There are different tools that can be used within each of these strategies; equations, unmarked number lines, stacking numbers, and lastly the traditional algorithm.  The tutorials below model each of the strategies and and what it looks like using equations to work your way through to the final sum.

Source: Anne K. Flynn 2014

Adding by Place Value

Models the strategy of adding numbers by their place value.

Source: Anne K. Flynn 2013 Educreations

Keeping one number whole and Adding the other in parts

Model of strategy of breaking apart one addend to add it to the other.

Source: Anne K. Flynn 2013 Educreations

Adjusting and Compensating

Model how to adjust one addend to become a landmark number and how to compensate for this adjustment.

Source: Anne K. Flynn 2013 Educreations