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Affirmative tú Commands

Author: Amy Wiedel

Learning How to Create Affirmative Tú Commands

Please take out a sheet of paper and write down any notes you feel will help you better understand how to correctly form and use affirmative tú commands.

When would you use these commands?

You would use this command form when talking to one person. This person would be someone you are familiar with or that is younger than you. For example, you might be telling a friend, family member, or a kiddo you are babysitting something they need to do. When you tell them what needs to be done, you would use this command form. 

How do you create the Affirmative Tú Command form in Spanish?

In order to give these commands, you use the same present-tense forms of the verbs that you use for él, ella, Ud. Por ejemplo: 

Infintiive él, ella, Ud. form of Verb Affirmative Tú Command
hablar habla - he/she talks / you formal talk ¡Habla! - Talk!
leer lee - he/she reads / you formal read ¡Lee! - Read!
escribir escribe - he/she writes / you formal
¡Escribe! - Write!

*There are certain verbs with irregular commands forms. Two of these verbs are poner and hacer.

Infintive él, ella, Ud. form of Verb Affirmative Tú Command
poner pone - he/she puts / you formal put ¡Pon! - Put!
hacer hace - he/she does or makes / 
                               you formal do/make

¡Haz! - Do! / Make!

Señor Jordan will teach you more about affirmative commands.

Watch his video and add additional notes to your paper. When you are done, please complete the quiz!