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ALTER TABLE to Change Columns: Data Type

Author: Sophia

what's covered
This tutorial explores using the ALTER TABLE statement to change the data type of a column in a table:
  1. Changing Columns
  2. A Second Example

1. Changing Columns

Although it is rare to do so once data has been inserted into a column, there are times when we may want to change the data type of a column. When we make a change to the data type, PostgreSQL will cast the values to the new data type. If casting the data type to the new one fails, the database will issue an error.

The structure of the command looks like the following:

ALTER TABLE <tablename>
ALTER COLUMN <columnname>
TYPE <newdatatype>;

Let's start with a basic contact table that was created to handle requests for an application:

CREATE TABLE contact( contact_id int PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(50), password VARCHAR(50), opt_in int );  

Let’s add some sample data to the table. We will cover these statements in a future tutorial:

INSERT INTO contact VALUES(1,'bob798','mypass1',1);
INSERT INTO contact VALUES(2,'jen558','mypass2',1);
INSERT INTO contact VALUES(3,'rand058','mypass3',1);

In this scenario, the organization originally wanted to have the application pass in 0 to opt-out and 1 to opt-in.

2. A Second Example

However, perhaps the organization decides this is too challenging to decipher and instead wants to convert the data type in the opt_in column to a character. To do so, we would execute the following command:


Changing from an integer to a character here does not create an error. Let’s add more sample data into the table using the updated data type. Notice that we are now using Y instead of 1 in the opt_in column:

INSERT INTO contact VALUES(4,'jeff768','mypass4','Y');
INSERT INTO contact VALUES(5,'sandra547','mypass5','Y');
INSERT INTO contact VALUES(6,'roberto9128','mypass6','Y');

However, if we tried to convert opt_in back to an int, we should get an error:

TYPE int;	

Opt_In Error Message

This is because we have the character Y in the opt_in table in the last three records:

Opt_In Error Query Example

This is an issue to consider when you change the data type. Even though changing from an integer to a character did not create an error, if the opt_in had a value of two digits, we’d also run into an issue as the type that it was converted to was set to one character. When we change the data type, it is important to consider both the data that the table already contains, and what it should be changed to. If there isn’t any data at all in the table yet, it won’t be an issue to make those data conversions using the ALTER TABLE command.

Video Transcript

try it
Your turn! Open the SQL tool by clicking on the LAUNCH DATABASE button below. Then enter in one of the examples above and see how it works. Next, try your own choices for which columns you want the query to provide.

Using the ALTER TABLE command, you can change the data type of columns; however, it does depend on what data is already inserted into the column.

Source: Authored by Vincent Tran