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American Indians in North Carolina

Author: Keisha Baker

Key Vocabulary

Staple: noun, a basic item of food

Tradition: noun, a custom or way of life handed down over many years

Government: noun, a system of making and carrying out rules and law

Palisades: noun, a fence of pales or stakes set firmly in the ground, as for enclosure or defense.


Cherokee Indians

Check for Undrstanding

People Of the Mountains

1. How large were most Cherokee towns? _______________________________________________

2. What was the important food the Cherokee Farmed? _____________________________________

3.  How were the walls of the house made? ______________________________________________

4.  In what ways did the Cherokee prepare corn to eat? _____________________________________

Cherokee Ceremonies

1.  Why did the Cherokee tell folktales? ________________________________________________

2.  Who participated in decision-making at Cherokee council meetings? _______________________

3. The "red" chiefs was the chief when? ________________________________________________

4. The "white" chief was the chief when? _______________________________________________


American Indians in North Carolina

Source: NC MuseumofHistory