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An Innovative Approach to Teacher Evaluation Using the TED Approach

Author: Ashley Sweatt
Video Transcript

Notes on "An Innovative Approach to Teacher Evaluation Using the TED Approach"


(00:00 - 00:13) Introduction

(00:14 - 00:30) What Will You Learn Today?

(00:31 - 01:09) What Do You Need to Keep in Mind When Selecting a Model?

(01:10 - 02:15) What is the Teacher Evaluation and Development Model?

(02:16 - 03:26) What are the Characteristics of the Teacher Evaluation and Development Model?

(03:27 - 03:52) What Did You Learn Today?

(03:53 - 04:43) Reflection

Additional Resources

TED: Teacher Evaluation and Development

This is a comprehensive teacher evaluation site from New York State that includes an innovative, differentiated approach to teacher evaluation designed by a collaborative effort between the union, teachers, and administrators. The site has useful tools that can be referenced for those exploring their own teacher evaluation model.

Best Practices for Including Multiple Measures in Teacher Evaluations

This article explores the best practices in using multiple measures of teacher effectiveness in teacher evaluation models. The research connects policy and practice back to No Child Left Behind.