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Analyzing Experimental Research

Author: Erick Taggart

Source: phrenology statue: public domain;; Baby: public domain;

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Notes on "Analyzing Experimental Research"

Terms to Know

Statistical significance

The likelihood that the variables being studied are related, and that the results of the experiment are not the result of chance.

Placebo Effect

Improvement that is not attributed to the experimental condition, that comes from the subject’s mental state toward that experimental condition.


A fake pill (such as a sugar pill) or injection (such as a saline injection).

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

When the expectation of a result leads to or causes the result to occur.

Double-Blind Experiment

An experiment where subjects are assigned to groups and neither they nor the experimenter knows who is in experimental and control groups.


A particular type of study that looks at the results from many different studies on the same subject to come to broader conclusions.

Terms to Know
Double-Blind Experiment

An experiment where subjects are assigned to groups and neither they nor the experimenter knows who is in experimental and control groups


A particular type of study that looks at the results from many different studies on the same subject to come to broader conclusions


A fake pill (such as a sugar pill) or injection (such as a saline injection)

Placebo Effect

Improvement that is not attributed to the experimental condition, that comes from the subject’s mental state toward that experimental condition

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

When the expectation of a result leads to or causes the result to occur

Statistical Significance

The likelihood that the variables being studied are related, and that the results of the experiment are not the result of chance