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Analyzing ISTE Standards for Students

Author: Gino Sangiuliano

Source: Chart, Pixabay,; Map, Clker,; Globe, Clker,; Stick Figure, Clker,

Video Transcript

Notes on "Analyzing ISTE Standards for Students"

(00:00-00:12) Intro

(00:13-00:29) ISTE Overview

(00:47-02:21) ISTE Standards

(02:22-04:42) Aligning Content and ISTE Standards

(04:43-05:08) Summary

(05:09-05:44) Food For Thought

Additional Resources

ISTE Standards

Official website for the ISTE student standards. The student standards include the six key areas for student appropriate use of technology in their learning: Creativity and Innovation; Communication and Collaboration; Research and Informational Fluency; Critical thinking, problem solving and decision making; digital citizenship; and Technology operations and concepts.

Common Core State Standards Initiative

The official web site for the Common Core ELA and Math Standards. This web site is an easy to navigate portal including the ELA anchor standards; standards by grade; Literacy Standards for History and Social Studies; Literacy Standards for Science and the technical areas; Math practice standards; and math standards by grade. In addition to the complete set of standards, this site included the appendices to the standards which include student work samples, suggested texts, implementation guidance, and instructional strategies.

Writing I Can Statements

Digital Speaking Wiki that outlines how and why to write I Can Statements. Each link provides instructions for the steps and rationale for developing and using I Can statements with your students. In particular, scroll down to access the digital I Can statement template as an easy to use tool to develop I Can statements aligned to the relevant standards for your classroom.

"I Can" Goal Statements Connect Students to Formative Assessments

Presentation from the Trumball County School District, Iowa. This presentation provides a clear overview on how to develop I Can Statements linked to formative assessments. Using this process, teachers are able to develop student-centered learning targets that can be quickly measured for instructional decision making.