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Ancient Egypt

Author: Ian McConnell
Video Transcript
Terms to Know
Canon of Proportions

An Egyptian rule that mandated dimensions and scale.


A series of rulers from the same family.

Hieratic Scale

A system that represents sizes of things according to importance and based on fixed religious traditions.


Egyptian sun deity, represented by a falcon or as a man with the head of a falcon.


Egyptian goddess of fertility, represented as a woman with cow’s horns and a solar disk between them, also worshipped in ancient Rome and Greece.


The Egyptian belief that identifies the difference between the living and the dead. When the body dies, the ka departs.

Nile River

The longest river in the world located in East Africa flowing from the Mediterranean Sea.


Egyptian king and judge of the dead represented as a man partly wrapped as a mummy with a beard and wearing a crown.


A record that is made up of symbolic representations.

Ra (sun god)

Egyptian sun god, a universal creator typically represented as a hawk-headed man with a solar disk and uraeus or cobra on his head.


The division of a composition into bands.


Egyptian god of deserts, storms, and foreigners.