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Animals: Human Respiratory System

Author: Amanda Soderlind

Human Respiratory System

Your respiratory system has many functions including helping you to take in oxygen, dispose of carbon dioxide and it helps you to produce sounds. Your respiratory system is composed of your nose, throat, larynx, pharynx, lungs and diaphram. When you breathe in air it moves in your nose, down your larynx and through bronchi then into your lungs. Bronchi are tubes that connect your larynx to your lungs. Once inside the lungs the bronchi branch into smaller tubes called bronchioles. The respiratory system, as mentioned earlier, allows you to intake oxygen and dispose of carbon dioxide. This process largely occurs in the alveoli which cover the inside of you lungs. Alveoli are the site of gas exchange. Your diaphram is a muscle below your lungs that controls the air pressure in your chest cavity. The diaphram moves up and down increasing and decreasing the pressure and allowing your lungs to expand or contract as you breathe in and out.

