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APA Bibliography: Book Sources

Author: Sydney Bauer

APA Reference List Entry: Book Sources



APA Reference List Entry Format: Book Sources
In order to cite a book by a single author, list the publication information in the following order and format:
Author’s last name, author’s initials. (Year of Publication). Title of the
work in italics and sentence case: Same with subtitle. City of publication, State abbreviation: Publisher.
Redepenning, M. J. (2009). Fresh fish: The whole story. New York,
NY: Full Court Press.
*note that “sentence case” means that only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized.
  • In order to cite a book by two authors, list them in the order in which they appear in the publication information of the book. Each name is listed as though it was a single listed author, and an ampersand (&) separates them.
Redepenning, M.J. & Corselle, A.
  • Three or more authors…? List the last names and initials of each author in the order in which it appears in the publication information in the source. Use commas between each name, and an ampersand (&) before the last name.
Nother, A., Arthor, O., Joyce, Parks, H.R., & Corselle, A.
  • Multiple works by the same author…Use the author’s last name and initials with each entry. Each source is then listed in chronological order, starting with the earliest.
Nother, A. (1999)
Nother, A. (2011)
  • Chapter or Article in an Edited Book… List the title of the chapter after the year of publication. Then list the editor followed by a comma. The title of the book is then listed, followed by the page numbers for the chapter or article using the abbreviation pp. to indicate a page range.
Author’s last name, Initials. (Year of publication). Title of chapter
in sentence case. In A. Editor (Eds.), Title of the book italicized in sentence case (pp. #-#). Location City, State Abbreviation: Publisher.
Derrida, J. (2003). Of grammatology. In J. Rivkin & M. Ryan
(Eds.),  Literary theory: An anthology (378-392). New York, NY: Blackwell. 


APA: Book Sources