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Applying SMART Goals

Author: Katie Hou
Video Transcript

Notes on "Applying Smart Goals"


(00:00-00:14) Introduction

(00:15-00:41) Overview of SMART goals

(00:42-02:18) What is a SMART goal?

(02:19-03:08) What is not a SMART goal?

(03:09-03:56) Writing a Smart goal-applying S

(03:57-05:58) Applying M and A

(05:59-07:48) Applying R and T

(07:49-08:03) Reflection

(08:04-08:28) Conclusion

Additional Resources

Student Learning S.M.A.R.T Goals & Objectives

This presentation from the Eugene School District includes a clear overview with some examples of how to apply SMART goals to improve and inform instruction. The presentation breaks the development, implementation, and analysis of the goals into easy to follow steps.

Cedar Rapids School District: SMART Goals

This is a great resource to use as a reference sheet when you are developing your own SMART goals.