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Approaches to Instructional Coaching

Author: Ashley Sweatt

Source: Image of coaching board, Public Domain, Image of new teacher, Public Domain, Image of frustrated teacher, Public Domain, Image of teacher, Public Domain,

Video Transcript

Notes on "Approaches to Instructional Coaching"


(00:00 - 00:11) Introduction

(00:12 - 00:28) What Will You Learn Today?

(00:29 - 01:53) What is Instructional Coaching?

(01:54 - 03:47) In Coaching, What are the Roles of the Coach and Teacher?

(03:48 - 04:23) Who Receives Coaching?

(04:24 - 05:44) What are the Different Roles of Coaching?

(05:45 - 06:27) What Did You Learn Today?

(06:28 - 06:48) Reflection


Additional Resources

Pennsylvania Institute for Instructional Coaching: What Is an Instructional Coach?

This page provides an overview of instructional coaching. In addition, the information on this page connects the role of the coach to professional development.

Tool 5.1: Coaching roles

This graphic organizer from Learning Forward illustrates the roles of the instructional coach, the purpose of the coach, and an example of coaching in action.