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Appropriate language

Author: Anna Overbo

Pretentious Language


pre-ten-tious:  adjective \pri-'ten(t)-sh∂s\
1: characterized by pretension:
a: making usually unjustified or excessive claims (as of value or standing)
b: expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature



jar-gon:  noun \'jär-g∂n, -gän\
1:  a: confused unintelligible language
2:  the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group




cli-ché:  noun  \klē-shā, kli-'\


1:  a trite phrase or expression; also: the idea expressed by it

2:  a hackneyed theme, characterization, or situation


George Orwell's fabulous essay on this subject, "Politics and and the English Language"

Appropriate Language Narrated Powerpoint!

Fun and exciting display of Pretentiousness, Cliches, and Jargon! With a little George Orwell thrown in!