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Assessment and Grading in Competency-Based Classrooms

Author: Kathleen Johnson

Source: Digital Access Key Image; Morgue File;

Video Transcript

Notes on "Assessment and Grading in Competency-Based Classrooms"

(00:00-00:18) Intro

(00:19-00:39) Objectives

(00:40-02:56) Differences Between CBE & Traditional Classroom Assessment & Grading

(02:57-05:46) Common CBE Grading Practices

(05:47-06:40) Review & Reflection

Additional Resources

Design Tech High School: Diverse Students Innovation-Ready

This article describes a CBE high school that adheres to the principles of next gen learning. The article details the school's purpose, structure, and assessment practices.

Piedmont Middle School: Changing Rural Students’ Futures with Relevant, Engaging Learning Opportunities

Piedmont Middle School in the Piedmont City School District is a rural CBE school that adheres to the principles of next gen learning. This article describes the school, its purpose, structure, and assessment practices.