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Author: Danielle Parham


Ever wonder what the world is made out of? Tiny atoms are everywhere! Click here to learn more about Atoms. 

Source: Makemegenius. (2012, November 19). What is an Atom -Basics for Kids. Retrieved December 5, 2018, from

I thought everything was made out of molecules?

Molecules are actually made from combining two or more atoms. Molecules are able to be broken down into different atoms, but atoms cannot be broken down. This means that atoms are indivisible, cannot be broken down any smaller. Atoms are the smallest measurement of matter in the world! Atoms cannot exist independently. 

Source: Difference between Atom and Molecule. (n.d.). Retrieved December 5, 2018, from

Atoms are made up of 3 parts.

Electrons: A subatomic particle with a charge of negative electricity. 

Protons: A subatomic particle with a positive electric charge equal to that of an electron. 

Neutrons: A subatomic particle without an electric charge.

Frequently Asked Questions about Atoms

Click on the picture to read more facts about Atoms.

Source: (n.d.). Retrieved December 5, 2018, from

*The Big Question*

Please open your science notebooks to week 10. 

1. List 5 facts about atoms that you learned from this tutorial. 

2. Write a short paragraph explaining why atoms are important. 

This journal submission will be due on Friday November 7.