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Background and Significance of Site Based Management

Author: Jody Waltman
Video Transcript

Notes on "Background and Significance of Site Based Management"

(00:00 - 00:16) Introduction

(00:17 - 03:54) Site-Based Management Basics: Background

(03:55 - 05:15) Site-Based Management Basics: Requirements and Formats

(05:16 - 06:57) Importance of Site-Based Management

(06:58 - 07:39) Stop and Reflect

Additional Resources

The Who, What, and Why of Site-Based Management

This article investigates the purpose and function of site based management in schools. This article includes the benefits of and the debates around using a site based management approach.,_What,_and_Why_of_Site-Based_Management.aspx

Transferring Decision-Making to Local Schools: Site-Based Management

This article provides a high level overview of site based management and its importance in driving school reform.