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Benefits/Challenges/Tips for using adaptive learning with students who are gifted/talented

Author: Ashley Sweatt

Benefits, Challenges and Tips for Using Adaptive Learning with Students who are Gifted and Talented

Source: Image of boy on tire swing, Public Domain, Image of puzzle pieces, Public Domain,

Video Transcript

Notes on "Benefits, Challenges and Tips for Using Adaptive Learning with Students Who are Gifted and Talented"


(00:00 - 00:12) Introduction

(00:13 - 00:32) What Will You Learn Today?

(00:33 - 01:19) What is LMS?

(01:20 - 02:31) How can LMS Assist Adaptive Learning?

(02:32 - 03:23) What are Best Practices for Using an Adaptive LMS?

(03:24 - 03:59) What Did You Learn Today?

(04:00 - 04:25) Reflection



Additional Resources

Redbird Advanced Learning

This site reviews the research on gifted/talented students and adaptive learning using the technology of the Redbird learning platform. This platform was designed to continue the research of Stanford’s Educational Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY). EPGY is a 24-year-long research project at Stanford that is based on computer-based multimedia. The courses are privately available to students of high ability.

Adaptive/Assistive Technology for Language Arts

Darla Grant provides overviews of adaptive learning technologies specifically for subgroups of students including gifted and talented, special needs, and English Language Learners. Her reviews are of adaptive technologies designed for use in a Language Arts classroom. Grant also suggests using the Globe Program, an inquiry based program that spans the world, as part of the program for gifted and talented students.