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Best Practices in Professional Development

Author: Jody Waltman
Video Transcript

Notes on "Best Practices in Professional Development"

(00:00 - 00:41) Introduction

(00:42 - 01:27) Teacher Voice

(01:28 - 02:16) Collaboration

(02:17 - 04:07) Alignment

(04:08 - 05:05) Competency-Based Approach

(05:06 - 06:52) Teacher Choice

(06:53 - 07:57) Differentiation

(07:58 - 08:26) Sustainability

(08:27 - 09:10) Best Practices

(09:11 - 09:42) Stop and Reflect

Additional Resources

No More ‘Sit and Get’: Rebooting Teacher Professional Development

This National Education Association article offers research-based best practices for teacher professional development.