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Binding & Non-Binding Constraints

Author: Kate Eskra

Source: Image of Apartment Market Graph with and without Price Ceiling created by Kate Eskra, Image of Labor Market Graph with and without Price Floor

Video Transcript
Terms to Know
Binding Constraint

A price level bounding that pre-empts market clearing.


The price and quantity pair at which supply and demand intersect; price and quantity at which the market clears.

Non-Binding Constraint

A price level bounding that is ineffective relative to the existing market clearing price and quantity combination.

Price Ceiling

A set price level bounding the highest price at which a good or service may be sold; typically initiated by a government or regulatory body— control policy.

Price Floor

A set price level bounding the lowest price at which a good or service may be sold; typically initiated by a government or regulatory body—ex. Minimum wage.

Shortage (Market)

The opposite side to a surplus. A situation, often caused by an imposed constraint, that results in a shortage of supply occurring at the market price due to the inability of the market to adjust to market clearing price and quantity.

Surplus (Market)

A situation, often caused by an imposed constraint, that results in excess of supply occurring at the market price due to the inability of the market to adjust to market clearing price and quantity.