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Blood - Unit 9

Author: Nate Holz

Class Log for Unit 9 - Blood

  • Monday (3/13): 2-4-6 Day. Went right to the lab to dissect the rat. Students printed out their own handout on the rat dissection.
  • Wednesday (3/15): Notes on part 1 of blood. Handed out three handouts; a concept map for the chapter, a paper called blood homework, and the permission slip to have your blood typed in class. 2nd period watched the short video clip; "What is Blood" (see below.)
  • Monday (3/27): Welcome back from spring break! Watched Crash Course Video on part 1 of blood. We received 2 papers; Genetics of Blood Disorders, and Blood Typing Problems.
  • Wednesday (3/29): Notes on Blood Groups, video clip on blood groups (see below) and worked on the lab on blood cells called "Human Blood."
  • Friday (3/31): Watched a 2nd Crash Course on blood (see below), took the lab test on the rat, and did the lab on blood typing (3 page paper) and a one page paper on blood group charts. Note - test on the blood unit is next Wednesday.

What you Need to Know...

This lesson covers pages 337 to 348. You are responsible for all the material within these pages, including items not covered in the powerpoint.

  • Be able to list the cell types in blood plus their function
  • Define anemia
  • Describe a hematocrit
  • Describe the role of hemoglobin in the rbc
  • Describe the function of the different types of wbcs
  • What is hematopoiesis?
  • What is Hemostasis?
  • Know and understand the blood types

Unit 9 Assignments (Blood)

Here's all the assignments for the two part Blood unit:

You can also find the parent permission paper to have your blood typed in the lab...

Source: Bob Grove

Blood-Part 1; RBCs to WBCs

A powerpoint that gives an introduction to blood and the cells that comprise it.

Blood, Part 1 - True Blood: Crash Course A&P #29

Now that we've talked about your blood vessels, we're going to zoom in a little closer and talk about your blood itself. We'll start by outlining the basic components of blood -- including erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, and plasma -- as well as the basic process of hemostasis that stops bleeding, and how antigens are responsible for the blood type that you have. By the end of this episode, you should be totally prepared for your next blood drive.

Source: Hank Green and CrashCourse

Blood, Part 2 - There Will Be Blood: Crash Course A&P #30

It's time to start talking about some of the terrible things you can do to your own body, like blood doping. We'll start by explaining the structure and function of your erythrocytes, and of hemoglobin, which they use to carry oxygen. We'll follow the formation and life cycle of a red blood cell, including how their levels are regulated by EPO and their signalling molecules. We'll wrap up by looking at how blood doping works and how it is truly a recipe for disaster.

Source: Hank Green and CrashCourse

What is Blood

The video that was used in class to describe blood.

Source: americasbloodcenters

SciShow: What Color is Your Blood?

What color is your blood. Red, right? Well, actually, yes. So why does it look blue when you see it through your skin? And is everyone's blood always the same color red (spoiler: no)? Do all animals have red blood ('nother spoiler: no!)? And why is red blood red anyway? Hank gives you the facts on vampires' favorite beverage.

Source: SciShow

Part 2: Blood Groups and Blood Disorders

This ppt looks at blood groups, blood typing, and blood disorders

Source: Bob Grove

SciShow: What Are Blood Types?

Source: SciShow

Bozeman Science: Blood Types

How to Do a Blood Transfusion

For our med surg class we had to demonstrate how to start and monitor a blood transfusion.