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Body Parts and Pain Radiation

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, will learn the phrases you need to know to be able to determine where the patient is feeling pain, including a comprehensive list of body parts. Specifically, this lesson will cover:
  1. Las Partes del Cuerpo (Body Parts)
  2. Radiación del Dolor (Pain Radiation)

1. Las Partes del Cuerpo (Body Parts)

The following chart presents the parts of the body in Spanish. This will come in handy when patients speak about where they are experiencing pain or discomfort in order to seek your advice about the proper treatment.

English Spanish Pronunciation
abdomen el abdomen ale ab-doe-main
tonsils las amígdalas lahs ah-meeg-dah-lahs
anus el ano ale ah-no
mouth la boca la boh-kah
arm el brazo ale bra-so
head la cabeza la kah-bay-sah
hip la cadera la kah-day-rah
face la cara la kah-rah
elbow el codo ale koh-doe
heart el corazón ale koh-rah-soan
rib la costilla la koh-stee-yah
neck el cuello ale k'way-yo
scalp el cuero cabelludo ale k'way-row kah-bay-you-doe
finger el dedo ale day-doe
toe el dedo del pie ale day-doe dale pee-ay
tooth el diente ale dee-ain-tay
gums las encías lahs ain-see-ahs
back la espalda la ace-pall-dah
shin la espinilla (de la pierna) la ace-pee-nee-ya (day la pee-air-nah)
stomach el estómago ale ace-toe-ma-go
forehead la frente la frain-tay
throat la garganta la gar-gahn-tah
liver el hígado ale ee-gah-doe
shoulder el hombro ale oam-bro
groin la ingle lah een-glay
lip el labio ale la-bee-oh
tongue la lengua la lane-g'wah
hand la mano la mah-no
cheek(s) la(s) mejilla(s) la(hs) may-he-yahs
molar la muela la m'way-lah
wrist la muñeca la moon-yay-kah
thigh el muslo ale moose-lo
buttocks las nalgas
las posaderas
las asentaderas
lahs nall-gahs
lahs poe-sah-day-rahs
lahs ah-sane-tah-day-rahs)
nose la nariz la nah-reece
nostrils las narices lahs nah-reece-sace
inner ear el oído ale oh-ee-doe
eye(s) el(los) ojo(s) ale oh-ho
outer ear la oreja la oh-ray-ha
calf la pantorrilla la pahn-toe-ree-yah
chest el pecho ale pay-choh
penis el pene ale pay-nay
foot el pie ale pee-ay
skin la piel la pee-ale
leg la pierna la pee-air-nah
lung el pulmón / los pulmones ale pool-moan / lohs pool-moe-nace
rectum el recto ale rake-toe
kidney el riñón ale reen-yone
knee la rodilla la row-dee-yah
breast(s) el/los seno(s)
la(s) mama(s)
la(s) teta(s)
ale/lohs say-no(hs)
la(hs) mah-mah(s)
la(hs) tay-tahs
testicles los testículos lohs tace-tee-koo-lohs
ankle el tobillo ale toe-be-yo
urethra la uretra la oo-ray-trah
vagina la vagina la bah-he-nah
bladder la vejiga la bay-he-gah
abdomen (lower) el vientre ale be-ain-tray
left izquierdo/a ee-ski-air-doe / dah
right derecho/a day-ray-choh / chah

Video Transcript

2. Radiación del Dolor (Pain Radiation)

Now that you know the parts of the body, the following chart provides questions and phrases you can use when discussing pain radiation.

English Spanish Pronunciation
Is it in one location only? ¿Lo siente solamente en un lugar? lo see-ain-tay so-lah-main-tay ain oon loo-gahr
Does it radiate elsewhere? ¿Se irradia a otros lugares? say ee-rah-dee-ah ah oh-trohs loo-gah-race
Yes. Sí. This is a patient response.
No. No. This is a patient response.
It hurts here. Me duele aquí. This is a patient response.
Yes, it only hurts here. Sí, sólo me duele aquí. This is a patient response.
Yes, it hurts here, too. Sí, me duele aquí, también. This is a patient response.
It hurts more here. Me duele más aquí. This is a patient response.
It hurts less here. Me duele menos aquí. This is a patient response.

Video Transcript

English Spanish Pronunciation
Does ____ hurt you? ¿Le duele ____? lay d’way-lay...
Do ____ hurt you? ¿Le duelen ____? lay d’way-lane...
____ hurts me. Me duele ____. This is a patient response.
____ hurt me. Me duelen ____. This is a patient response.

Note that the last four phrases above are reverse construction sentences. The verbs duele (it hurts) and duelen (they hurt) agree with the subject, which follows. The "me" is not "I," but rather "me."


"Me duele la garganta" means "My throat hurts me," while "Me duelen los dedos" means "My fingers hurt me."

You could also ask, ¿Tiene dolor de ____? and fill in the blank with one of the body parts listed above. This means, Do you have pain in your ____? The patient may then respond, Tengo dolor de ____, meaning I have pain in my ____.

In this lesson, you learned about how to say different body parts in Spanish so that you can better understand the pain your patients are describing. You also learned some questions and phrases that will help you discuss pain radiation with patients. This vocabulary provides an important foundation, as the later lessons in this course will teach you how to discuss the use of specific medications and other pain management options with patients.

¡Buena suerte!


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Source: This content has been adapted from "Spanish for Nurses" by Stephanie Langston.