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Building Peer-to-Peer Coaching Relationships in Collaborative Professional Development

Author: Jody Waltman
Video Transcript

Notes on "Building Peer-to-Peer Coaching Relationships in Collaborative Professional Development"

(00:00 - 00:22) Introduction

(00:23 - 00:43) Sociocultural Learning Theory

(00:44 - 03:09) Areas of Focus in Sociocultural Learning Theory

(03:10 - 06:15) Links to Collaborative PD and Peer Coaching

(06:16 - 06:48) Stop and Reflect

Additional Resources

3-3. Peer Coaching

This page provides an overview of and steps for implementing peer coaching.

Handouts and Articles on Classroom Observation, Peer Coaching, and Mentoring 

These handouts and articles provide useful resources for developing and implementing a peer coaching model based on adult learning theories.