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Ch 1.2 Using a Scientific Approach

Author: deirdre carney

Video Clip: Times and Troubles of the Scientific Method

Chapter 1.2 Using a Scientific Approach

Read Chapter 1.2 Using a Scientific Approach Pg. 7-11. Outline the reading in your science notebook and include major points and diagrams/tables.
you should focus on the following essential questions:
- What is the goal of a scientific method?
-How does a scientific law differ from a scientific theory?
-Why are scientific models used?


Source: Prentice Hall Physical Science - Concepts in Action

Video Clip: Scientific Method

Watch Video and take notes in your science notebook.

Video Clip: Scientific Method, Theory and Law

Watch video and take notes in your science notebook

Source: Millard Public Schools and

More on the Scientific Method

Read article, watch video linked in article
and answer questions at the end.


Source: ck-12

Video Clip: Lab Safety

Watch video. List and describe violations of lab safety.