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CH 12.1 Forces

Author: deirdre carney

Introduction to Forces

Pay special attention to definitions of acceleration, speed, and velocity.

Ch 12.1 Forces

Read Chapter 12.1 Forces
Outline the reading in your Science Notebook & include major points and diagrams/tables.
You should focus on the following essential questions:
-How do forces affect the motion of an object
-What are the four main types of friction
-How do gravity and air resistance affect a falling object
-In what direction does Earth's gravity act
-Why does a projectile follow a curved path


Source: Prentice Hall Physical Science - Concepts in Action

Video Clip: Forces in Motion

This video is designed to help students explore the concepts of what a force is, inertia, friction, and balanced vs. unbalanced forces.

Be sure to take notes in your Science Notebook

Video Clip: Galileo's "falling bodies" demo

Recreation of Galileo's experiment. Pay attention to gravity and air resistance relationship.
Take notes in your Science Notebook.

Video Clip: Bill Nye - Friction

Explore the affect of friction on motion. Take notes in your Science Notebook.