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Ch 23.4 Glaciers and Wind

Author: deirdre carney

Video Clip: Glaciers

Chapter 23.4 Glaciers and Wind

Read Chapter 23.4 Glaciers and Wind pg 719-724. Outline the reading in your Science Notebook & include major points and diagrams/tables.
You should focus on the following essential questions:
-How do Glaciers form
-What landscape feature are created by glacial erosion and deposition
-What are the effects of wind erosion and deposition


Source: Prentice hall Physical Science - Concepts in Action

Video Clip: Glacier Erosion

Watch video and take notes in your science notebook.

Video Clip: Wind Erosion and Deposition

Watch video and take notes in your science notebook.

Video Clip: Weathering and Erosion Song

Enjoy this musical moment about Weathering & Erosion :)

Online Activity - Erosion


go to the following website:


Explore the interactive activity