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Chapter 6 Realidades III ¿Qué nos traerá el futuro?

Author: Eileen Kriechbaum

Notes from Prentice Hall series Realidades III Chapter 6

AVSR and all notes of Chapter 6

Source: Prenticehall Realidades III

¿Qué quieres ser cuando eres adulto?

Video that shows different professions from a child's point of view

Neither here nor there. The Angry Family

A video/cartoon that helps in teaching Demonstrative Adjectives

Source: The angry family esp

Power point on 6A theme Realidades III

Vocabulary with 6A and pictures

Source: Mrs. Shirley's Spanish site

Simple future tense

Simple future tense

Source: Mrs. Shirley's Spanish site

Future Irregular tense ppt Chapt 6A

Irregular verbs in the Future

Source: Mrs. Shirley's Spanish site

Alabaré a mi Señor Song with subtitles

Source: youtube