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Children's Liturgy Series: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

Author: Joyce Bott


Jesus explains to his disciples that following Him will not be easy and that He will suffer greatly for the good of mankind.

Opening Prayer

God, my Father,
You created me with a specific purpose for my life; this is my vocation.

By following Your plan, I will be happy on Earth,
earn the reward of Heaven,and help others do the same.

Please help me to hear,understand, and follow Your call
with my whole heart, especially when it seems most difficult.

Mary, Mother of God and my Mother, pray for me
to know and accept God’s will for my life.


Gospel (Matthew 16:21-23)

Jesus began to tell his disciples that he would be brought before the high priests and be put to death before rising to life again.

"Lord, this cannot be allowed to happen!" exclaimed Peter, who was deeply upset by what Jesus had told them.

 But Jesus said, "Peter, your way is not God's way. If you follow me, sometimes things will be difficult, but you must accept them and try not to take the easy way out."


Ask: What happened at the end of today’s Gospel? (Peter could not accept Jesus' words about his suffering and death; Peter did not understand what kind of messiah Jesus said he was going to be.) How do you think Peter felt after Jesus rebuked him? (Accept all reasonable answers.)

Jesus was now telling his disciples what kind of messiah he was going to be. Peter probably hoped that Jesus would be a victorious king. Jesus, however, said that he was going to be a suffering servant of humanity. He told his disciples that they would need to be like him by offering their lives in service to others.

Jesus also wants us to follow his example and offer our lives in service to others. Who are some people who offer that example to us today? (Accept all reasonable answers.)

Conclude by praying for Jesus’ help in living a life in the service of others.

Colouring Activity



Kids Bulletin
