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Christology Unit 2 Understanding the Trinity

Author: Jon McGurran

Unit 2 Vocabulary


D1 God's Self Revelation in the Old Testament

(If you struggled with the test, I would strongly recommend taking notes when you watch the podcast. )

1.) What is unique about Christianity’s concept of God?
2.) Why is the Blessed Trinity the central mystery of the Christian Faith?
3.) What is the source of the knowledge of the mystery of the Blessed Trinity?
4.) What claim did Christ make about the knowledge of God the Father?
5.) How did Christ bear witness to God the Holy Spirit?
6.) What mission, unique in the ancient world, were the Jews given?
7.) What is the Shema? (Have it memorized for the test)
8.) Tell me about Abraham and his covenant
9.) Tell me about Moses and his covenant
10.) What is God’s name? What does this name reveal about God’s nature?

Day 2 Attributes of God

1.) What are the eight attributes of God this lecture will explore?
2.) What does it mean to say God is perfect?
3.) How is God nowhere and everywhere?
4.) What does it mean to say God is immutable? Why is this a good thing?
5.) What does it mean to say God is Eternal? Why is man not eternal?
6.) According to Scripture, what is God’s motive for each action?
7.) What is the source of most of the evil and suffering in the world?
8.) What are some examples of the omnipotence of God?
9.) What are the three levels of God’s omnipresence?
10.) What does it mean to say God is transcendent?

D3 God as a Trinity of Persons

1.) What are some examples of mysteries of faith?
2.) On what basis are mysteries of faith accepted as true?
3.) What is the basic idea of the doctrine of the Blessed Trinity?
4.) How does a human person participate in the life of the Blessed Trinity?
5.) What terminology does the church utilize to help explain the Blessed Trinity?
6.) Define “substance”, how does it apply to the Blessed Trinity?
7.) Define “person”, how does it apply to the Blessed Trinity?
8.) Define “relation”, how does it apply to the Blessed Trinity?

Day 4 Persons of the Trinity in Scripture pt.1

1.) Is it necessary to find hints of the Blessed Trinity in the Old Testament in order for this doctrine to be true?
2.) To what extent can the idea of the Blessed Trinity be understood on earth? What about in Heaven?
3.) How was the Blessed Trinity foreshadowed in the Book of Genesis? Give and explain the two examples from the podcast.
4.) How does the creation of man as male and female, and the family reflect God as a Trinity of Persons?
5.) Write down and briefly explain how the four New Testament verses show the Trinity.

D5 Persons of the Trinity in Scripture pt.2

1.) In what sense are Christians sons and daughters of God?
2.) What do the teachings of Christ add to the Revelation of the Almighty God of the Old Testament?
3.) Is Christ called the Son of God in the New Testament?
4.) How is the Blessed Trinity present at the beginning of the Christian life?
5.) What does it mean to be a temple of the Holy Spirit?
6.) What should be the relationship between a Christian and the Blessed Trinity?

D6 Blessed Trinity in the Early Church: Heresies

1.) Why did the Church develop her theology of the Trinity?
2.) What does the name "Jesus" mean?
3.) Using the PDF below, make a chart of each of the 10 heresies. You need to summarize a.) Name, b.) Founder, c.) Teaching of Heresy d.) Defender E.) Catholic teaching against it.

The PDF gives the full answer for each Heresy, you need to summarize it. Make sure you study this.

D6 Heresies Chart


D7 Blessed Trinity in the Early Church: Heroes

1.) Describe St. Gregory of Nyssa
2.) Describe St. Gregory of Nazianzus, the younger
3.) Describe St. Athanasius
4.) What was the first Council? What did that Council develop that we still use today?
5.) How many Ecumenical Councils have there been?
6.) What was the most recent Ecumenical Council?

(Make sure you are reading through the Heresy chart. On your test there will be a matching section where you match the name of the Heresy with its teaching.)

Unit 2 Study guide


Unit 2: The Blessed Trinity

(Remember to finish this and turn it in before next class period)

  1. What is unique about Christianity in its belief about God?
  1. What did God reveal to Abraham?
  1. What is the Shema, and how do many Jews fulfill its precepts?
  1. What is God’s name as revealed to Moses, and what does it teach us about God?
  1. What are the eight divine attributes of God as listed in the chapter? Be able to explain each of these attributes.
  1. How was the Trinity foreshadowed in the Old Testament?
  1. How do we know about the Blessed Trinity?
  1. What does the baptismal formula, as found in Scripture, tell us about God?
  1. How is Christ’s sonship with God the father different from the sonship enjoyed by Christians?
  1. What does “transcendent” mean?  How did Christ change the Old Testement understanding of a transcendent God?
  2. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life?
  1. What is significant about the veil of the Temple being torn from top to bottom?
  1. What does it mean when we say that Christians are “temples of the Holy Spirit”?
  1. What is the Holy Trinity?
  2. Who were the three defenders of the Christian understanding of the Blessed Trinity?  Be able to describe each of them.
  1. Why did some heretics deny the humanity of Christ? What would be the consequences if this were true?
  1. Why did some heretics deny the divinity of Christ? What would be the consequence if this were true?
  1. What were the main premises of each of the ten Heresies as discussed in class? Be able to know these well enough to match on the test.
  1. How can Mary be the Mother of God?
  1. What is an Ecumenical Council?  What decisions did they render about the nature of Christ? About the nature of God?