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Chromosome Count Changes

Author: Amanda Soderlind

Changes in Chromosome Number

Source: Video and Images Created by Amanda Soderlind

Video Transcript
Terms to Know
Down Syndrome

A genetic disorder in which the 21st pair of chromosomes has three chromosomes vs. the normal pair, this is called a trisomy.

Klinefelter Syndrome

A condition in which a person has an XXY chromosomal pattern; males that inherit this are often infertile, may develop breasts and other female secondary characteristics and possible mental retardation.


When chromosomes don’t separate during anaphase, causing cells (such as gametes) to have abnormal numbers. Down syndrome is an example of a genetic disorder that results from nondisjunction.

Turner Syndrome

A genetic condition in which an X chromosome is missing (XO instead of XX or XY). If the child is not miscarried, the effects can range from non-life threatening to life-threatening. People with Turner syndrome are female due to the presence of only an X chromosome, are almost universally infertile and typically have cardiovascular issues along with other organ system problems.

XYY Syndrome

A condition in which a male inherits an extra Y chromosome; XYY syndrome doesn’t express any cognitive or life-threatening abnormalities, it just tends to make males taller than average.