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CIPA: Legal protection for students' online safety

Author: Kathleen Johnson

CIPA: Legal Protection for Students' Online Safety

Source: Digital Access Key Image; Morgue File;; School Library Image; Morgue File;; Congressional Building Image; Morgue File;; Meeting Image; Morgue File;

Video Transcript

Notes on "CIPA: Legal Protection for Students' Online Safety"

(00:00-00:33) Intro

(00:34-00:55) Objectives

(00:56-01:55) What is CIPA?

(01:56-02:57) CIPA General Requirements

(02:58-04:17) CIPA Requirement Components

(04:18-04:40) Review

(04:41-05:17) Reflection

Additional Resources

FCC Guide to the Children's Internet Protection Act

This is the official website to the Children's Internet Protection Act. The website helps you to also understand the connection between the act and receiving e-rate funds for technology purchases.

Principal's Guide to Scholastic Journalism: Internet Access and Safety

This site provides a concise overview of the Children's Internet Protection Act for principals. In particular, the article reviews what you need to know about filters; publishing student names and student photos; cyberbulling; and copyright.