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Civil Rights in the USA

Author: Perveen Levesque

a history of segregation in the USA through pictures

Click on source link at the bottom if video does not pop up

A brief history on Dr. King's life

An abridged biography of Malcolm X

The Other Side of Civil Rights

Not everybody believed in Martin Luther King's peaceful protests. Here is another side of the Civil Rights Movement. Malcom X and the Back to African Movement

The Black Panthers and the Black Power Movement

The fight for Civil Rights is still an ongoing issue. It happens even in this day and age. Heres an example of it in professional sports today


So after everything you learned from this lesson do you think....

Is the fight for Civil Rights over or is it something that will continue on through history?  

If you think it is not over why is that? State your reasons

If you think yes it is over and everyone is equal also state your reasons 

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