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Classical Conditioning

Author: Erick Taggart

Source: bell: public domain;

Video Transcript
Terms to Know
Classical Conditioning

Learning where a subject comes to associate a response to a stimuli to other stimuli that doesn’t usually produce that response.

Conditioned Emotional Response (CER)

Learned emotional reaction; generally how phobias develop.

Conditioned Response (CR)

Learned reaction to a stimulus.

Conditioned Stimulus (CS)

Previously neutral stimulus that now has a learned response connected to it.


A type of therapy where a person attempts to learn an unwanted learned emotional response to a stimulus.


When the relationship between a conditioned stimulus and response becomes weaker; when a subject forgets a response.

Ivan Pavlov

Russian physiologist who establishes a foundation for classical conditioning principles.

Neutral Stimulus (NS)

Event that does not create a specific response.


Something that a subject does because of a stimulus; can be conditioned (learned) or unconditioned (not learned).

Spontaneous Recovery

After a conditioned response has been extinguished, it may show up again later.


Something that happens in the external environment; can be conditioned (related to a learned response), unconditioned (not related to a learned response), or neutral (not related to a response).

Stimulus Discrimination

When a person learns to respond differently to similar stimuli.

Stimulus Generalization

When a person responds to a similar stimuli with a learned response.

Unconditioned Response (UR)

Subject's natural reaction to an occurrence.

Unconditioned Stimulus (US)

Something that occurs in the environment.