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Coaching and Teacher Evaluation

Author: Ashley Sweatt
Video Transcript

Notes on "Coaching and Teacher Evaluation"


(00:00 - 00:09) Introduction

(00:10 - 00:26) What Will You Learn Today?

(00:27 - 01:41) What are the Benefits of Coaching in Teacher Evaluation?

(01:42 - 02:26) What are the Similarities Between Coaching and Evaluation?

(02:27 - 03:45) What are the Differences Between Coaching and Evaluation?

(03:46 - 04:29) What Did You Learn Today?

(04:30 - 04:57) Reflection

Additional Resources

The Coach and the Evaluator

This article warns that the line between coach and evaluator should not be crossed.

Don't Evaluate Teachers, Coach Them

In this article, David Ginsburg stresses the importance of coaching teachers. He stresses that coaching is even more powerful in improving practice than evaluation.