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Collaboration Tools for Collaborative Planning, Development, and Evaluation

Author: Jody Waltman
Video Transcript

Notes on "Collaboration Tools for Collaborative Planning, Development, and Evaluation"

(00:00 - 01:10) Introduction

(01:11 - 02:51) Tools for Collaboration

(02:52 - 04:24) Tools for Communication

(04:25 - 05:49) Tools for Critical Thinking

(05:50 - 07:47) Tools for Creativity

(07:48 - 08:30) Stop and Reflect

Additional Resources

Using Google Hangouts for Teacher Development

This Edutopia article offers advice on how to use Hangouts as a collaborative professional development tool.

Making Learning a Collaborative Process With Skype 

In this article, you will learn how to use Skype for collaborative professional learning.