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Colors, Days, and Dates

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn some additional basic vocabulary that will help you express colors, days, and dates correctly in Spanish. Specifically, this lesson will cover:
  1. Los Colores (Colors)
  2. Los Meses (Months)
  3. Los Días (Days)
  4. La Fecha (Date)

Video Transcript

1. Los Colores (Colors)

The following chart shows you how to say some of the most common colors in Spanish.

Spanish English
negro black
blanco white
gris gray
café / marrón brown
rojo red
rosa pink
amarillo yellow
verde green
azul blue
violeta / morado violet / purple
anaranjado orange

2. Los Meses (Months)

The following is a list of months, beginning with January. Note that months are not capitalized in Spanish the way they are in English.

Spanish English
enero January
febrero February
marzo March
abril April
mayo May
junio June
julio July
agosto August
septiembre September
octubre October
noviembre November
diciembre December

3. Los Días (Days)

The following is a list of the days of the week in Spanish, starting with Monday. Like months, days are also not capitalized in Spanish.

Spanish English
lunes Monday
martes Tuesday
miércoles Wednesday
jueves Thursday
viernes Friday
sábado Saturday
domingo Sunday

4. La Fecha (Date)

When expressing the date in Spanish, always state the day of the month first (e.g., "dos," "tres"), then the month, and finally the year.


March 15th, 2014 would be "el quince de marzo, dos mil catorce."

The exception to this rule is the first of the month. This is referred to as el primero rather than "uno."

In this lesson, you learned how to say some of the most common colors in Spanish. You also learned how to say the months of the year and days of the week. Unlike in English, months and days are not capitalized in Spanish. Finally, you learned that you express the date in Spanish by starting with the day of the month, then stating the month and year.

¡Buena suerte!


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Source: This content has been adapted from "Pharmacy Spanish" by Stephanie Langston.