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Common Core Math: Domains and Standards Explained

Author: Kathleen Johnson

Source: Digital Access Key Image; Morgue File;

Video Transcript

Notes on "Common Core Math: Domains & Standards Explained"

(00:00-00:22) Intro

(00:23-00:34) Objectives

(00:35-02:44) CC Math Content Standards, Clusters and Domains

(02:45-03:55) Example Domain Progression

(03:56-05:00) 8 Math Practice Standards

(05:01-08:32) Understanding the Standards

(08:33-08:43) Review

(08:44-09:21) Reflection

Additional Resources

Mathematics Assessment Project

This site from University of California, Berkeley offers math tasks aligned to the standards for middle school and high school students. Teachers can click on a standard to find an aligned math task. The tasks include guidance and resources for teachers to use as they facilitate student learning using the tasks. These tasks are valuable tools as teachers begin to build their curriculum resources in alignment to CCSS with a focus on critical thinking skills.

EQuIP Quality Review Rubric for Lessons & Units: Mathematics 

There are currently many resources available with a CCSS sticker attached, yet very few of these resources are actually aligned. As an educator it can be difficult to know if a resource is aligned. The EQuIP rubric provides an easy to use rubric for educators when selecting and developing resources and lessons aligned to the CCSS. Below is a link to the rubric as well as a how-to video on using the rubric.
Video: (Scroll to the center of page and click on the tab labeled "EQuIp Training Materials.")